Oh the places you can go......over the last few years I have adopted an amazing second family and have embarked on some incredible journeys. This chapter is just beginning so follow us as we push beyond perceived limits and make the impossible possible.....live life out of your comfort zone, it's lots of fun I promise :)

Saturday 11 February 2012

Loyal friends

Thinking about my friends  Lisa Bliss and Catra Corbett who have recently lost dogs (Steely Dan and Rocky Ridge) dear to their heart inspired this blog. They are both such dog lovers and more importantly great friends and family to all those that surround them.

So not very long ago we were fortunate enough to adopt a third dog, our second rescue dog and only one under the age of 14 but lets start at the beginning.....

We have been blessed by the company of Ella since before we were married, actually we purchased her a few weeks after we started dating. Guess we predicted correctly that we were all in this for the long run, no pun intended. We were told she was a pure breed, um no. She was; however, clearly the runt of the litter and although quite moody a special addition to our life. As "Grandmother" or Ella ages she becomes less willing to be touched, a little less secure with her bowel care but ever lovable in her own way. Our 6yo's "I have a dream" wish was that she stopped having diarrhea so she could no longer sleep in the laundry room. It touched many hearts and apparently Ella's as well as she is back and growling again, actually she tried to bite e last night for no apparent reason but then again she is in her 90's.

Ella trapping herself in a cereal box

She was not to happy about this pumpkin

Enter Zora, same age now but around six or so when we adopted her. The most amazing lab/basset mix and so friendly and loving with the kids and everyone she meets. That's the beauty, dogs instill so much love to those who care for them and they do it in such an honest and easy way. Zora was my "big black dog" that I always wanted. Actually a 60lb low to the ground lab and shrinking and greying more everyday but so special. She was never trained to stay close by so when she ventures out of the invisible fence she just flies like the wind and returns when it suits her. Her hips are a little slow these days but her grey nose always loving. She will always be my special dog as we have shared a lot together. You know after hour conversations about life between just she and I. Z is such a good listener.

Z being sweet sweet Z :)

Then there was Bear. Our friend Susan found him at her doorstep and we quickly took a liking. I finally had a "boy" in the house. Yes, even the hamster is a girl. Lucky for him we found his owners but lucky for us they could not really take care of him and asked that we keep him. We obliged of course, a little bit sad but very happy as well. "Mandog" has found a good home. He is part Burmese Mountain dog and part Shepherd (we think) weighing in around 70lbs. Most of the weight is in his head which he often rests various places just to take a load off I think. He is convinced he is a person and LOVES to run and play, I run he trots gracefully. He is around 2ish and is certainly another amazing addition to the Roman kennel.

Mandog says hello
What ya' think Mandog :)

Mandog says naptime, I like it here for sure...

Why do we love dogs so much, because they are loyal, trusting, ever present and will ALWAYS be there when times are tough. We should all be so lucky to be surrounded by people like that in our life. I know I am for sure and that makes me a very, very lucky guy.

Embrace the simplicity every once in a while, it is hard sometimes but our loyal friends do it everyday :)

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